
Resource rates determine the cost of bookings based on the components included in them (hourly, half-day, daily, etc.).
For more information on resource rates, please see this article.

You can retrieve individual rates as well as a list of all your rates.


useValueCreditsbooleantrueDetermines whether coins can be used for this rate.
intervalLengthstringtrueA resource rate needs to have a main component, which is either hour or day.
intervalCountnumbertrueThis is always set to 1, since the main interval can only be either hour/day and the intervalCount corresponds to that.
extrasarrayfalseAn array of one-off plan _ids, that can be purchased additionally for each booking.
locationsLocationtrueAn array of location _ids, that determine for which location the plan is valid. If empty, the rate can be used for all locations.
amenitiesAmenityfalseAn array of amenity _ids, that determine which amenities are available for this rate.
bookingPolicyidtrueThe _id of the booking policy associated with the rate. Booking policies aren't available in the public API, it's best to check the policy in the UI.
namestringtrueThe name of the rate.
descriptionstringfalseA short description of the rate.
accountidfalseThe _id of the billing account with which the rate is associated. If missing, the default "Booking fees" account rate will be used.
bookingCancellationPolicystringfalseThe _id of the cancellation policy associated with the rate. Booking policies aren't available in the public API, it's best to check the policy in the UI.
ratesarraytrueAn array containing the secondary components of the rate.
rates.intervalQuantitynumbertrueCan be either 1 or 4 depending on the type of rate. 1 is used for most rates, 4 is used only for half-day rates. This is used for internal calculations mainly.
rates.pricenumbertrueThe price of the secondary component.
rates.intervalstringtrueDepending on the type of the component can be either hour, day, week or month.
rates.isWeekendRatebooleanfalseDetermines if the rate is a weekend rate. If the parameter is missing then it's considered false.
rates.isOffRatebooleanfalseDetermines if the rate is a non-business hours rate. If the parameter is missing then it's considered false.
rates.isHalfDayRatebooleanfalseDetermines if the rate is a half-day rate. If the parameter is missing then it's considered false.
pricenumbertrueThe price of the main component - i.e. either price per hour or price per day.
createdAtstringreadonlyThe date when the rate was created.
createdByidreadonlyThe user that created the rate.