Payment Details

This collection allows you to check, create and remove payment details associated with the current user.



In order to use the requests in this collection you need to authenticate to the API with your username and password by using this request.



This endpoint supports only cards associated with the Stripe integration.
No other types of payment details or integrations are supported at the moment.



Multi-location billing isn't supported when adding payment details with these endpoints.
The recorded payment details will always be associated only with the customer's home location.

Here is the list of the payment details object properties:

Payment Details

locationsarray LocationfalseThe location for which the card can be used.
This array always contains only the default location of the member for which the card is being recorded.
typeobjecttrueThe payment gateway associated with the payment details.
This should always be set to "stripe".
methodstringtrueThe type of payment detail.
This should always be set to "card".
data.stripe_tokenstringtrueThe token generated by Stripe's API for the card that will be recorded.
This needs to be generated separately.
isPersonalbooleantrueDetermines whether the card is a member's personal card or whether it should be associated with their company.