
Opportunities allow you to keep your enquiries and potential customers data in single place, add their contact details, add data about the services they are interested at, the deal size and the status of the conversation.

The API allows you to create, delete, and update your opportunity records. You can retrieve individual opportunities as well as a list of all your opportunities or filter them by status.

Here is the list of all properties the lead object has:


namestringtrueThe full name of the opportunity.
memberMembertrueThe _id of the contact member associated with the opportunity. Either a member or a team is necessary to create a opportunity.
teamCompanytrueThe _id of the contact team associated with the opportunity. Either a member or a team is necessary to create a opportunity.
startDatedatefalseThe start date of the opportunity.
leadStatusstringfalseThe _id of the status associated with the opportunity. All statuses are part of the leadStatuses collection, which you can find here.
probabilitynumberfalseThe probability of the deal, it should match the percentage associated with the status of the opportunity.
dealSizenumberfalseThe size of the deal in currency.
resourcesResourcesfalseArray containing all the _ids of resources associated with the opportunity.
createdAtdatereadonlyThe date when the opportunity has been created.
createdByidreadonlyThe user that created the opportunity.
modifiedAtdatereadonlyThe user that did the last modification to the opportunity. If no update is made this field will match the createdBy field.
modifiedByidreadonlyThe user that did the last modification to the opportunity. Before the first modification, this field equals to the createdBy field.