
The location objects represent the separate physical locations in the organization. They are used to separate resources and members in a single organization.


namestringtrueThe name of the location.
countrystringfalseThe country part of the location address.
statestringfalseThe state part of the location address.
citystringfalseThe city part of the location address.
addressstringfalseThe address part of the location address.
zipstringfalseThe zip code part of the location address.
timezonestringfalseThe timezone of the location.
imagestringfalseThe URL pointing to an image assigned to this location.
isOpenbooleanfalseIf true, the location is operational; if false or omitted the location is not working - either not open yet, or suspended for some other reason.
publicbooleanfalseIf true, the location is shown in the members portal; if false or omitted the location is not displayed in the members portal.