Get coin credit balance

Get the coin credit balance for a team/member in a specific month.

For example /credit-accounts/stats?team={team_id}&month=2018-07-01T00:00:00.000Z.

Returns in summary the balance, monthly and once balances of the coins.



You must specify either the member _id or team_id in the query of the request, otherwise the response will always be an empty array.



If a member is part of a company, any coins that are assigned to the member will be transferred to the company.

Querying for the member only will return an empty array.
Always query for the team_id, if the member is part of a team.



You can only get the booking coins balance through the public API. Due to the complexity of the coins system, you can only make create/edit/remove coins in the admin UI.

For more information on booking coins go here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!