
The contract objects allow you to associate contract data to your companies. Contracts can contain terms for both Services and Private offices.

The API allows you to create, delete, and update contracts.
You can retrieve individual contracts as well as a list of all your contracts.

Here is the list of some of the properties the contract object has:


numberstringfalseThe contract number, if not specified the system will generate a number automatically by adding a 1 to the last greatest contract number.
noticeobjectfalseAn object containing the months of notice for the contract.
documentTypestringfalseThe type of the contract. If none entered "leaseAgreement" will be used by default.
teamCompanytrueReference to the team the member belongs to. Contracts can only be created for companies.
memberMembertrueReference to the member with which the contract is associated. All contracts have to be associated with a member.
officeLocationfalseReference to the location of the contract. It will default to the only location if left empty.
resourcesarraytrueArray containing all the resources that are part of the contract. A contract must have at least one primary item, i.e. a resource, plan or a one-off fee. A steps array must be specified as well as the resource _id in order to define the period and price of each resource in the contract.
plansarraytrueArray containing all the plans that are part of the contract. A contract must have at least one primary item, i.e. a resource, plan or a one-off plan. A steps array must be specified as well as the plan_id in order to define the period and price of each plan in the contract.
oneOffPlansarraytrueArray containing all the one-off plans that are part of the contract. A contract must have at least one primary item, i.e. a resource, plan or a one-off plan. A steps array must be specified as well as the plan_id in order to define the period and price of each plan in the contract. The steps array only needs a start date unlike plans and resources.
stepsarraytrueAn array that must be specified under resources/plans/oneOffPlans. Contains startDate, endDate (excluded for oneOffPlans) and price parameters.
createdAtdatereadonlyThe date when the contract has been created.
createdByidreadonlyThe user that created the contract.
statusenumfalseThe contract status. By default a created contract is "not_signed" until signed manually through the UI or by using e-sign.