The company objects allow you to keep your companies' data in a single place, track memberships, invoices, charges, fees, etc.
The API allows you to create, delete, and update your companies / teams.
You can retrieve individual companies as well as a list of all your companies.
Here is the list of all properties the company object has:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The full name of the company. |
string | false | The email address of the company. | |
startDate | date | true | The start of the company. Determines the first date from which memberships can be assigned. |
twitterHandle | string | false | The twitter handle of the company. |
office | Location | true | Reference to the location the company belongs to. It will default to the only location if left empty. |
paymentDetails | array | readonly | An array containing all the names of the payment details added to the company account. |
createdAt | date | readonly | The date when the company has been created. |
createdBy | id | readonly | The user that created the company. |
modifiedAt | date | readonly | The date when the company has been updated for the last time. If no update is made this field will match the createdAt field. |
modifiedBy | id | readonly | If no update is made this field will match the createdBy field. |