
The charge object describes a single payment associated with an invoice.
Charges can be either created manually, or done via a payment gateway.

Here is the list of all properties the charge object has:


amountnumbertrueThe amount of the transaction.
datedatetrueThe exact date of the transaction.
statusenumtrueThe status of the transaction. One of the following success, pending, fail.
referencestringtrueHuman readable description of the transaction.
sourcestringfalseThe system the charge originated at. OfficeR&D by default
accountstringfalseThe name of the account where money are depositet at.
integrationobjectfalsePresent if charge is collected via payment gateway. Its property providerChargeId is set to the gateway charge ID
createdAtdatereadonlyThe date when the charge has been created at.
createdByidreadonlyThe user that created the charge.
modifiedAtdatereadonlyThe date when the charge has been modified for the last time. Before the first modification, this field equals to the createdAt field.
modifiedByidreadonlyThe user that did the last modification to the charge. Before the first modification, this field equals to the createdBy field.
paymentidreadonlyThe invoice or credit note the charge is associated with.
officeidreadonlyThe location of the invoice or credit note the charge is assigned to.