The issue objects describe issues/tickets that have been created in OfficeRnD.
You can retrieve an individual issue as well as query all the issues by location, company or member.
Note: In order to create/edit issues you need to be logged in as a user by using the User API
Here is the list of the issue object properties:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
office | Location | true | The location associated with the issue. |
assignedTo | id | true | The _id of the teammate to which the issue is assigned. |
type | Issue Options | true | The _id of the issue type. |
team | Company | true | A reference to the company which reported the issue. |
member | Member | true | A reference to the member which reported the issue. |
subject | string | true | The subject/title of the issue. |
message | string | true | A detailed description of the issue. |
number | string | true | The number of the issue. |
priority | Issue Options | true | The _id of the issue priority. |
severity | Issue Options | true | The _id of the issue severity. |
lastMemberUpdate | date | true | The date when the issue was last updated by the customer. |
createdAt | date | readonly | The date when the issuehas been created. |
createdBy | id | readonly | The user that created the issue. |
modifiedAt | date | readonly | The user that did the last modification to the issue. If no update is made this field will match the createdBy field. |
modifiedBy | id | readonly | The user that did the last modification to the issue. Before the first modification, this field equals to the createdBy field. |