
The team objects allow you to keep your teams' data in a single place.

The API allows you to create, delete, and update your teams / teams.
You can retrieve individual teams as well as a list of all your teams.

Here is the list of all properties the team object has:


namestringtrueThe full name of the team.
emailstringfalseThe email address of the team.
twitterHandlestringfalseThe twitter handle of the team.
officeLocationfalseReference to the location the team belongs to. It will default to the only location if left empty.
paymentDetailsarrayreadonlyAn array containing all the names of the payment details added to the team account.
createdAtdatereadonlyThe date when the team has been created.
createdByidreadonlyThe user that created the team.
modifiedAtdatereadonlyThe date when the team has been updated for the last time. If no update is made this field will match the createdAt field.
modifiedByidreadonlyIf no update is made this field will match the createdBy field.