
Bookings are short-term reservation of resource. Bookings can reserve any resource, such as Meeting Room, Hot desk, Private Office, etc.

The API allows you to create, delete, and update bookings.

Here is the list of most properties the booking object has:


start.dateTimedatetrueStart datetime of the booking in ISO date time format
end.dateTimedatetrueEnd datetime of the booking in ISO date time format
serviceSlots,beforenumberfalseAllows you to create a buffer slot before the booking takes place. The time is measure in minutes.
serviceSlots.afternumberfalseAllows you to create a buffer slot after the booking takes place. The time is measure in minutes.
timezonestringreadonlyThe booking resource timezone
sourcestringfalseThe origin/source of the booking
summarystringfalseBooking title/summary
resourceIdidtrueReference to the booked resource
teamTeamfalseReference to the company (required if no member)
memberEmployeefalseReference to the member (required if no team)
descriptionstringfalseLong description of the booking
canceledbooleanreadonlyWhether the booking got canceled or not. It also can be passed when calling the /summary endpoint.
recurrence.rrulestringfalseDetermines if the booking is recurring. The "FREQ" can be daily/weekly/monthly and "UNTIL" is the end date of recurrence.

Example: FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20220117T230000Z
createdAtdatereadonlyThe date when the booking has been created.
createdByidreadonlyThe user that created the booking.
modifiedAtdatereadonlyThe user that did the last modification to the booking. If no update is made this field will match the createdBy field.
modifiedByidreadonlyThe user that did the last modification to the booking. Before the first modification, this field equals to the createdBy field.